- Details
Osoba | Kontakt | |
Mirosław GrafBurmistrz
Pokój nr 8 telefon: 757 547 708 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Zbigniew MisiukZastępca Burmistrza
Pokój nr 10 telefon: 757 547 708 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Agnieszka GwóźdźSekretarz Miasta
Pokój nr 13 telefon: 757 547 703 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Agata SkowrońskaSkarbnik Miasta
Pokój nr 17 telefon: 757 547 702 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Referat Organizacji i Spraw Społecznych | ||
Oliwia MituraZastępca Kierownika
Pokój nr 3 telefon: 757 547 713 / 735 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Joanna CirkoKierownik Urzędu Stanu Cywilnego (USC)
Pokój nr 3 telefon: 757 547 714 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Ewa BartosikPodinspektor ds. Administracji i Sekretariatu
Pokój nr 8 telefon: 757 547 708 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Magdalena ŻwirkoUrlopowana |
Małgorzata GrześkiewiczInspektor ds. Obsługi Interesanta
Pokój nr 3 telefon: 757 547 700 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Andrzej StarczykInformatyk
Pokój nr 3 telefon: 757 547 707 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Referat Rozwoju, Planowania Przestrzennego i Nieruchomości | ||
Edyta BieleckaKierownik Referatu
Pokój nr 11 |
Aneta Żywicka-HołowniaZastępca Kierownika
Pokój nr 11 telefon: 757 547 710 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Anna KuliczkowskaInspektor ds. Gospodarowania Nieruchomościami
Pokój nr 11 telefon: 757 547 736 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Marcin MituraInspektor ds. Gospodarowania Nieruchomościami
Pokój nr 11 telefon: 757 547 726 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Katarzyna PałkaInspektor ds. Gospodarowania Nieruchomościami
Pokój nr 14 telefon: 757 547 739 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Piotr RubajInspektor ds. Planowania przestrzennego i Inwestora
Pokój nr 14 telefon: 757 547 712 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Małgorzata JareckaPodinspektor ds. Rozwoju i Planowania PrzestrzennegoUrlopowana |
Referat Inwestycji Miejskich i Gospodarki Komunalnej | ||
Janusz WnuczakKierownik Referatu
Pokój nr 15 telefon: 757 547 711 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Romuald MalyPodinspektor ds. Inwestycji Miejskich
Pokój nr 15 telefon: 757 547 731 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
wakatInspektor ds. Inwestycji Miejskich
Pokój nr 15 telefon: 757 547 711 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Magdalena MiśPodispektor ds. Infrastruktury i Gospodarki Komunalnej
Pokój nr 15 telefon: 757 547 749 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Sylwia Ochmańska
Pokój nr 15 telefon: 757 547 730 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Artur MaćkowiakPodinspektor ds. Ochrony Przyrody, Zieleni Miejskiej i Lasów Komunalnych
Pokój nr 15 |
Magdalena ZajączkowskaZastępca Kierownika
Pokój nr 16 telefon: 757 547 746 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Natalia PilawskaInspektor ds. Gospodarki OdpadamiUrlopowana |
Pokój nr 16 |
Elżbieta DrożniakInspektor ds. Gospodarki Odpadami
Pokój nr 16 |
Referat Budżetu i Finansów Miasta | ||
Anna BoleszczukZastępca Skarbnika Miasta
Pokój nr 17 telefon: 757 547 729 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Krystyna Koman-ProkopiukGłówna księgowa
Pokój nr 17 telefon: 757 547 723 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Agata MamyszInspektor ds. podatków, opłat i kontroli podatkowej
Pokój nr 18 |
Renata KapuckaInspektor ds. podatków, opłat i kontroli podatkowej
Pokój nr 18 |
Magdalena BerbeckaInspektor ds. podatków, opłat i kontroli podatkowej
Pokój nr 18 telefon: 757 547 719 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Katarzyna PiśInspektor ds. podatków, opłat i kontroli podatkowej
Pokój nr 17 |
Monika GryzInspektor ds. podatków, opłat i kontroli podatkowej
Pokój nr 18 telefon: 757 547 747 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Ewa StępieńInspektor ds. podatków, opłat i kontroli podatkowej
Pokój nr 1 telefon: 757 547 704 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Katarzyna LorencInspektor ds. księgowości i opłat
Pokój nr 18 telefon: 757 547 725 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Agnieszka Kwapińska-BadkoPodinspektor ds. windykacji
Pokój nr 18 |
Marta OlasInspektor ds. rozliczeń finansowych, kadr i płac
Pokój nr 17 telefon: 757 547 720 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Małgorzata MyszakPodinspektor ds. obsługi kasy
KASA otwarta w godz. 9-14 |
Pokój nr 1 telefon: 757 547 734 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Referat Promocji Miasta (PM) Budynek Informacji Turystycznej Jedności Narodowej 1A | ||
Agnieszka RozenekKierownik Referatu
telefon: 757 547 744 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Krystian BromblikInspektor ds. Promocji Miasta, Informacji Turystycznej i Turystyki
telefon: 757 547 742 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Katarzyna BrolInspektor ds. Promocji, Informacji Turystycznej i Turystyki
telefon: 757 547 740 |
Aneta KubielaInspektor ds. Promocji, Informacji Turystycznej i Turystyki
telefon: 757 547 748 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Kinga IwanickaPodinspektor ds. Promocji Miasta, Kultury i Kultury Fizycznej
telefon: 757 547 748 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Arkadiusz LipinZastępca kierownika referatu
telefon: 757 547 743 |
Bezpieczeństwo i Higiena Pracy | ||
Marcin WylegałaInspektor ds. BHP i Ochrony P. Poż.
Budynek OSP
Zarządzanie kryzysowe | ||
Marcin WylegałaInspektor ds. Zarządzania Kryzysowego
UM Granitowa 2, pok. 3 telefon: 757 547 700 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Straż Miejska telefon alarmowy (czynny w godzinach pracy SM) 603 376 607 | ||
Patryk Pyczakpełniący obowiązki Komendanta Straży Miejskiej |
ul. Jedności Narodowej 32 |
Miłosz ButrymStrażnik Straży Miejskiej |
ul. Jedności Narodowej 32 telefon: 75 717 39 41 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Krystian KlichStrażnik Straży Miejskiej |
ul. Jedności Narodowej 32 telefon: 75 717 39 41 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Adrian SzablewskiStrażnik Straży Miejskiej |
ul. Jedności Narodowej 32 telefon: 75 717 39 41 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Grzegorz CirkoAplikant Straży Miejskiej |
ul. Jedności Narodowej 32 telefon: 75 717 39 41 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
- Details
Nazwa i adres siedziby | Nr telefonu | Strona internetowa i adres e-mail |
Miejski Zakład Gospodarki Komunalnej ul. 1 Maja 53c |
75 717 23 56 75 717 24 16 |
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Miejski Zakład Gospodarki Komunalnej - dział komunalny ul. 1 Maja 53c |
75 717 25 59 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Miejski Ośrodek Pomocy Społecznej Jedności Narodowej 11 |
75 717 21 46 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Karkonoski System Wodociągów i Kanalizacji – Oddz. w Szklarskiej Porębie ul. Prusa 2 |
75 717 21 12 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Ochotnicza Straż Pożarna ul. Jedności Narodowej 32 |
75 717 22 88 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Komisariat Policji w Szklarskiej Porębie ul. Granitowa 1 |
75 75 45 400 | |
Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna ul. 1 Maja |
75 717 34 43 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Miejski Ośrodek Kultury, Sportu i Aktywności Lokalnej ul. Słowackiego 13 Biała Dolina |
75 717 36 14 502 215 830 |
www.moksial.pl This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
SP ZOZ Przychodnia Rejonowa ul. Szpitalna 1 |
75 717 21 55 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Izerskie Centrum Pulmonologii i Chemioterapii NZOZ w Szklarskiej Porębie ul. Sanatoryjna 1 |
75 75 47 100 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Zakład Opiekuńczo-Leczniczy ul. Szpitalna |
75 717 21 57 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Centrum Pulmonologii i Alergologii w Karpaczu S.A. (odział w Szklarskiej Porębie) |
75 76 19 583 |
www.cpia.pl |
Sudecki Dom Seniora "Słoneczna Polana" ul. Franciszkańska 30 |
+48 75 717 25 32 +48 883-358-125 |
www.domslonecznapolana.pl This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Poradnia Psychologiczno-Pedagogiczna |
tel. 75 717 24 67 |
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., |
Szkoły i przedszkola
Nazwa i adres siedziby | Nr telefonu | Strona internetowa i adres e-mail |
Szkoła Podstawowa nr 1 Ul. 1 Maja 32 |
75 717 23 88 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Szkoła Podstawowa nr 5 Ul. 11 Listopada 2 |
75 717 29 32 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących i Mistrzostwa Sportowego Ul. Obrońców Pokoju 17 |
75 717 22 06 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. www.zso-szklarska.com |
Przedszkole Samorządowe nr 2 Ul. Osiedle Huty 1 |
75 717 27 16 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
- Details
Instytucja | Telefon / Kontakt |
Urząd Miejski ul. Granitowa 2 | 75 75 47 700 75 75 47 708 |
Urząd Pocztowy ul. Jedności Narodowej 8 | 75 717 49 06 |
Nadleśnictwo ul. Krasińskiego 6 | 75 717 23 32 75 717 23 60 |
Sudety LIFT sp. z o.o. ul. Turystyczna 25a | 75 717 30 35 |
Informacje | |
Referat Promocji Miasta ul. Jedności Narodowej 1a |
75 75 47 740 75 75 47 742 fax |
Informacja Narciarska | 75 717 21 18 |
Informacja PKP | 22 511 6003, www.pkp.pl |
Informacja PKS | 0703 403 337, www.pks.jgora.pl |
Komunikacja | |
Postój TAXI ul. 1 Maja | 75 717 21 03 |
Euro Radio TAXI Jelenia Góra - Szklarska Poręba - Karpacz | 19625 lub 695 25 25 25 |
Służba zdrowia | |
SP ZOZ Przychodnia Rejonowa ul. Szpitalna 1, www.spzozszklarska.com.pl | 75 717 21 55 75 717 21 57 |
Izerskie Centrum Pulmonologii i Chemioterapii NZOZ ul. Sanatoryjna 1, www.izer-med.com.pl |
75 75 47 100 75 75 47 111 |
Centrum Rehabilitacji Rolników „ KRUS „ ul. Kopernika 14 |
75 717 30 01 do 09 |
Poradnia Psychologiczno-Pedagogiczna ul. Górna 29 |
75 717 24 67 |
Sudecki Dom Seniora "Słoneczna Polana" ul. Franciszkańska 30 |
75 717 25 32 |
Apteki | |
APTEKA "ESCULAP" ul. 1-go Maja 4 | 75 717 31 46 |
APTEKA "KROKUS" ul. Jedności Narodowej 7 | 75 717 22 31 46 |
APTEKA "RETRO" ul. Mała 1, Otwarte: Pn-Pt 8-18, Sobota 8-14 |
512 934 888 |
Banki | |
Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. ul. Jedności Narodowej 16 |
75 75 381 90 do 92 |
PKO Bank Polski SA Oddział 1 w Szklarskiej Porębie ul. Jedności Narodowej 5 |
Tel. 75 730 36 30 Fax. 75 730 36 39 |
Telefony alarmowe | |
Straż Miejska ul. Jedności Narodowej 32 | 75 717 39 41 603 376 607 |
Górskie Ochotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe ul. Urocza 2 |
75 717 33 93 985 |
Komisariat Policji ul. Granitowa 1 | 75 75 45 400 997 |
Ochotnicza Straż Pożarna ul. Jedności Narodowej 32 |
75 717 22 88 998 |
Miejski Zakład Gospodarki Lokalowej ul. Turystyczna 2 |
0-75 717-23-56 0-75 717-24-16 |
Miejski Zakład Gospodarki Lokalowej dział komunalny ul. Turystyczna 2 |
75 717 25 59 |
Karkonoski System Wodociągów i Kanalizacji ul. Prusa 2 |
75 717 21 12 75 717 27 26 |
Serwisy informacyjne Orange – numer telefonu | |
biuro numerów | 118 913 |
międzynarodowe biuro numerów | 118 912 |
informacja miejska | 9491 |
biuro zleceń | 9497 |
bank danych | 9493 |
zamawianie rozmów międzymiastowych | 9050 |
zamawianie rozmów międzynarodowych | 9051 |
Błękitna Linia | 9393 |
- Details
A cave, created artificially by the exploitation of pegmatites by the Kamienna shore - about 6m deep and about 4m in height.
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The highest waterfall in the Polish part of The Karkonosze Mountains. Its threshold is situated at the altitude of 843 m above sea level.
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The Corpus Christi Church, run by the Franciscan Fathers, was erected in the period of 1884-86 in Neo-Roman style and sponsored by the Schaffgotschs family.
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A neo-Gothic chapel built around 1650 and rebuilt in 1819 into baroque style with a late-Renaissance altar.
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The church's interior is adorned with a baroque pulpit, antique chandeliers and paintings by Wlastimil Hofman.
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Located on the left bank of the Kamienna River a group of strongly inclined granite rocks 18 meters high.
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“One day, while hiking in the mountains and looking down I noticed this valley and a thought crossed my mind how nice it would be nice to settle in this place.”
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Wysoki Kamiń is the peak 1058 m above sea level overlooking Szklarska Poręba from the west and situated in the High Crest of The Izery Mountains.
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The Death Curve takes its name from a very sharp and dangerous curve at Droga Sudecka [The Sudeten Road] between Szklarska Poręba and Świeradów Zdrój at the altitude of 775 m above sea level.
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It is a huge and very steep rocky threshold extending over Kamienna River valley at the altitude of 20 m
- Details
Ski lifts Ski Arena Szrenica
Ownership SUDETY LIFT Sp. z o. o. Szklarska Poręba www.sudetylift.com.pl
2014 / 2015
SEE PRICES PL [Adobe Acrobat PDF - 2.2 MB]
SEE PRICES DE [Adobe Acrobat PDF - 2.15 MB]
- "Karkonosz
- Express"
Railway rope
Chairs: 6 people
Length: 2,393 m
difference in level: 508.1 m
capacity: 1985 people per hour.
location of the bottom station: 713.5 m above sea-level
location of the upper station: 1.221.6 m above sea-level
- "Szrenica" Railway rope section I
2-person chair
Length: 1417 m
level difference: 1
74 m capacity: 1436 people per hour.
average slope: 12.31%
greatest slope: 32.01%
location of the bottom station: 710.8 m above sea-level
location of the upper station: 884.5 m above sea-level

- "Szrenica" Railway rope section II
2-person chair
Length: 1341 m
429 m level difference
capacity of 1,437 persons per hour.
average gradient of 33.92%
greatest slope of 64.14%
location of the bottom station of 880.5 m above sea-level
location of the upper station of 1309.6 m above sea-level
- "Baby Lift" Ski
hook a room (lift for children)
length 80 m
17 m level difference
capacity of 720 persons per hour.
average gradient of 21%
greatest slope of 25%
location of the bottom station 712.5 m above sea-level
location of the upper station 729.5 m above sea-level

- "The Wall" Ski Lift
2 bed T-bar lift
length of 1,390 m
434 m level difference
capacity of 1,437 persons per hour.
average gradient of 33.07%
greatest slope of 55.26%
location of the bottom station of 881.3 m above sea-level
location of the upper station of 1315.4 m above sea-level
- "Szrenicka Alp"
Ski lift
Double T-bar lift 2 people (2 parallel lifts)
length of 636 m
118 m level difference
capacity of 2 x 1200 people / hour.
average gradient of 18.02%
greatest slope of 25.5%
location of the bottom station 1163.5 m above sea-level
location of the upper station 1281.5 m above sea-level

- "Christmas Stone" Ski Lift
2 bed T-bar lift
length of 835 m
level difference of 172 m
capacity of 1,400 people per hour.
average gradient of 21.08%
greatest slope of 36.0%
location of the bottom station 1134.7 m above sea-level
location of the upper station 1306.5 m above sea-level
Other lifts

- In the Valley of Happiness
13 11th November
Owner - Teresa and Krzysztof Hunkiewicz, phone 75 717 21 60
distance from center - 500 m
Length: I lift - 220 m for intermediate
II lift - 150 m for beginners
III lift - 220 m
Artificial snow, slope groomers
Parking, refreshments, toilet open from pm. 9.00 to 21.00
- Pietkiewiczówka
Turystyczna Street
Phone: 75 717 28 73
Length: I lift 232 m
II lift 218 m
T-bar lift,
floodlit slope
Artificial snow
equipment rental

- Wiciarka
the road to Jakuszyce
Owner - Krzysztof Malawski Mobile 600 431 423
length - 200 m
degree of difficulty - easy
distance from the center - 4.5 km
retention of snow - from November to late April
open from the hours. 9.00
floodlit slope
- Ski School Marcin Gorayski
2 Urocza Street nest to DW "Marysieńka"
Tel: 75 717 25 72, mobile 607 708 602
two lifts of 120 m long - Coupling
floodlit slope (night skiing for groups)
service, rental
parking, snack-bar
open from the hours. 9.00 to 16.00
- Snowpark - ski lift
Mickiewicz street, next to "Bornit" Hotel
Tel: 75 717 36 66
length of 290 m
floodlit slope
snow park
slope groomers
parking spaces
open from the hours. 9:00 to 22:00
- White Valley
Krasickiego street, near the "Sudety" Hotel
owner Paweł Liborio Mobile 609 998 164
length of 170 m
Disc extract
floodlit slope
for beginners
equipment rental
- Details
Szklarska Poręba – located in a picturesque valley of the Kamienna River on the slopes of Karkonosze an the Jizera Mountains, recognized and praised since the 19th century.
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Szklarska Poręba is the place of numerous cultural and sports events, making your stay all the more attractive.
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Szklarska Poręba and its surroundings hold unique fauna and flora, attracting people who are sensitive to the environment's natural beauty.
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Since the 19th century Chybotek has been one of major tourist attractions in Szklarska Poręba. Several meters high group of rocks is made up of a few granite blocks.
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Szklarka Waterfall is the picturesquely situated waterfall in The Karkonoski National Park Enclave covering the gorgeous main part of Szklarka creek called Wąwóz Szklarki [Szklarka Gorge].
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Wlastimil Hofman (1881-1970) - Czech painter, a disciple of J. Malczewski.
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A large group of rocks along the right bank of Kamienna River at the altitude of 718 m above sea level.
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These are two best formed postglacial kettles in The Karkonosze Mountains with well preserved glacial forms.
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The Izery Mountains cover almost 1000 km2, of which about 400 km2 is on the Polish side - almost half of their area. They form an extensive and wide system of crests, missives and separate peaks.
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It is the highest and undoubtedly the best known range of The Sudety Mountains. Owing to its very well developed tourist infrastructure (network of tourist trails, mountain hostels, ski lifts) for centuries it was the key destination for mountain hikers and skiers.