FIS International Ski Decalogue i.e. ten principles of safe skiing
- Consideration
for others
Each skier must behave in such a way as not to pose danger to another person and not to cause any damage.
- Control
over the speed
The skier is sliding down at a rate appropriate to their skills, the type and condition of the route and the weather.
- The
choice of facing
The skier located on the slope, due to better visibility from the top, has a better choice of exit routes must choose a running track to avoid any possibility of a collision with a skier below them on the slope.
- Overtaking
Overtaking can occur both on outside and inside, on the right and left, but at such a distance that will allow deductions to avoid overtaking.
- Transfer
and crossing running track
The skier, who starts the downhill ride on a route or ski field, should check by looking up and down that they will not cause danger to themselves and others. The same applies whenever moving off the site of the temporary stopping.
- Stopping
Only if absolutely necessary, a skier may stop at the exit route, especially in places of strictures and of limited visibility. After a fall, the skier must move away from the lane as soon as possible.
- Climbing
The skier can only climb on the roadside routes, should come down completely from the route in case of restricted visibility. The same behavior applies to skiers who descend on foot.
- Application
to ski signs
Each skier must pay attention to signs placed on the routes.
- Accidents
In the case of an accident, anyone who comes near, should provide assistance to victims.
- Determination
of identity
Each person involved in an accident or being a witness is required to provide their personal data.
The“Safe slope" action has been prepared by the Ministry of Sports and Tourism. The campaign aims at increasing safety of tourists during winter trips to the mountains, and above all, pay close attention to proper behavior on a ski slope.
The project also involved Szklarska Poreba. The City Promotion Office encourages the public utilities to distribute information about the action to tourists. The main principles of safe behavior in the mountains and the slopes were written on posters, which can be obtained from the Tourist Information office at 1a Jedności Narodowej Street