In the beginning
began more than 10 years ago, with skis and the presence of
journalists on the slopes of the Ski Arena Szrenica. The
guests appreciated the undeniable advantages of Szklarska Poręba as
a center for winter sports and in autumn 1998 a decision was made -
Szklarska Poręba will become the winter capital of Radio Three. Our
city and the third program liked each other right away, so the first
events of the winter season 1998/1999 had already been organized
under the auspices of the Radio.
"Here, Radio Three goes on and on!” In 1999, Szklarska Poręba, was officially appointed CAPITAL OF THE THIRD POLISH RADIO. And not just for winter, but throughout the year.
Radio Three Avenue of Stars
26, 1999 – the radio receives its little square in Szklarska Poręba
is a particular avenue, because in contrast to those in Międzyzdoje
or Łódź, instead of a handprint or footprint, the Radio Three
journalists put an imprint of their "tools", namely their
in Szklarska Poręba, you can see the lips of: Artur Andrus, Piotr
Baron, Jacek Cholewiński, Grażyna Dobroń, Magda Jethon, Piotr
Kaczkowski Tomasz Kowalczewski, Jolanta Kucharska, Wiktor Legowicz,
Wojciech Mann, Barbara Marcinik, Marek Niedźwiecki, Monika Olejnik,
Michał Olszański, Krzysztof
Skowronski, Piotr Stelmach, Kuba Strzyczkowski, Henryk Sytner,
Agnieszka Szydłowska, Marek Wałkuski, Grzegorz Wasowski.
In 2001, Henryk Sytner was appointed Honorary Citizen of the City, and one of cycling routes (route number 3, of course) received the official name Radio Three Route.
Szklarska Poręba is present on-air at Radio Three throughout the year and the Radio is a frequent guest in Szklarska Poręba.
Radio Three in Szklarska Poręba
has become hard to imagine the town’s largest events without the
Radio. Radio
journalists attend and report on Weekend with Adrenaline, Stars on
Snow, Polish Amateur Championships in the snow carving ŚNIEGOLEPY,
the Retro Slalom, the Radio Three Cup in downhill skiing, Autumn Bike
Rally with Radio Three or Early May Vertigo.
Szklarska Poręba in Radio Three
to Szklarska Poręba can be heard in: This is the Baron, Myśliwiecka
3/5/7, Program Three Hits, Welcome to Radio Three, Mysterious Sunday,
Holiday on Two Wheels, Offensive.
Radio Three broadcast includes people living in Szklarska Poręba,
who offer the visiting tourists our unique attractions. The Walloons,
The Mountain School QUASAR, BATA Riding Colony, Cyclists Association
“Szklarska Poręba on two wheels”, rope climbing in TROLLANDIA,
Piast Race Association, Leśna Huta, Karkonosze Environmental
Education Center, home of Carl and Gerhard Hauptmann – such is a
tourist offer, which can be recommended in good conscience by us and
by the Polish Radio Third Program.
Radio Three Team
Three Friendly Cities Tournament – a not-so-serious competition.Three
teams - Szklarska Poręba, Augustów, and Radio Three are competing
for the first place in various sports competitions. In
the summer, the tournament is held in Augustów - the summer capital
of the Third Program, with the typical for this region disciplines in
water sports, in which the host team usually wins. In
winter, we invite you to Szklarska Poręba - and no one can beat the
team from our city!! The
competitions are various - it depends on the organizers’ sense of
humor. One
thing, however, is unchanged since the beginning of the Tournament –
excellent fun, which moves athletic performance to the background. Of
course, the course of the Tournament can be heard on Radio Three.
Radio Three Bike Thoroughfare
Three Bike Thoroughfare
Szklarska Poręba - Augustów - our latest achievement. This
is a bike trail laid out in partnership with Szklarska Poręba and
Augustów. The
two cities are located at the opposite ends of Poland. Distant
on the map, but friendly toward each other due to our Radio channel.
the beginning of July 2009 a group of cyclists with mayor Arkadiusz
Wichniak in the lead, departed from Szklarska Poręba and – through
Jawor, Żórawina, Mikstat Warta, Wyszogród, Jednorożec and Kolno –
rode all the way to Augustów. In
every city the group was welcomed with warmly and with great interest
on the part of the residents. The
thoroughfare is "available" at all times for any brave
cyclist to cross this route.
Liczyrzepa on Myśliwiecka St.
Third Program Hits Chart is a classic for many people. Its
edition has been celebrated on the last Saturday of October
2010. People
who are important to Radio Three, and especially to Marek
Niedźwiedzki and his Chart, were invited to Myśliwiecka St.
This could not lack some of the inhabitants of Szklarska Poręba - the “Winter Capital of Radio Three", a town where receivers are permanently set to the Polish Radio Three Program in every second home. The following people went to Warsaw: Grażyna Biederman, Barbara Głębocka and Eugeniusz Zielenkiewicz. They had also brought gifts from Szrenica to Warsaw: a sculpture of the Mountain Spirit, a beautiful crystal and honey from the local apiaries. The gifts were presented "live" during the 1500 edition of the Hits Charts.
The honey, delicious and healthy will strengthen the Radio’s team, and the Spirit of the Mountains will guard us for the next 1500 releases of the Hits Chart. Moreover, Liczyrzepa accompanied Mark Niedźwiedzki during “Markomania” the whole following day, of which the “Bear” told all his listeners, saying that "it is the Spirit of our Karkonosze Mountains"